Our Philosophy

Driven by Purpose

We strive to create valuable encounters and contribute to the realization of a society where everyone can experience the joy of working.

Since our founding in 1996, Amrop Jomon Associates have assisted many companies in the recruitment of executives and appointing outside directors. In the midst of the increasingly uncertain world situation, Japanese society and the economy are trying to escape from stagnation. As each company and each individual moves to survive and become more sustainable in the medium to long term, the role required of leaders is becoming more important.

We at Amrop Jomon Associates are looking for leaders who can confidently acknowledge uncertainty, adapt to the current global era, and respond to the evolution of technology. Leaders who can lead a disciplined and strong organization while ensuring psychological safety. Leaders who can sublimate personal thoughts into more objective and universal ideals and missions, and energize the organization. Leaders who are not only excellent in ability, but also exhibit their humanity and can be respected as individuals.

We strive to discover such leaders, support them throughout their professional lives, and sometimes even provide them with opportunities to succeed in new fields, thereby helping the companies that welcome such leaders to further develop. We look forward to your continued support and guidance in the future.

What's in a name?

The Jomon period of Japan's ancient history lasted for 10,000 years, and is said to have been a flat society of self-responsibility. In order to break through the stagnation of the pyramidal society, the Jomon period saw a major shift in Japan's working system from "lifetime employment in a company" to "lifetime employment in society." This message is contained in the name, and the philosophy, of our company.